giovedì 6 dicembre 2007

A bit about the Storming of the Bastille, and Bastille Day

There are many causes that have led to Revolution... France in that moment was reigned by the King Louis XVI and his queen, they weren’t really able to satisfy the needs of their country. France was enormous; the biggest state in Europe, but most of the time, it didn’t have enough food and money for its population… The lower classes situation was really difficult, but not only for them…Although the bourgeoisie was wealthy, but did not have any political power in France, the country was going towards bankrupt. Loads of assemblies took place, most of them asking for a constitution, but the King always seemed to want to avoid the constitution, and eventually the people rebelled.

The First Republic was founded in 1792.The Revolution also lead to the tricolour flag of blue, red, and white. Blue and red are known as the colours of Paris and white instead is the colour of royalty. Bastille Day was proclaimed a national holiday in 1880 .

Bastille Day is celebrated the 14th July every year; it’s the French National Day. The Bastille infact was a symbol of the King, and they wanted the power of the King destroyed. With the storming of the Bastille, all people, of all social classes, had most of the rights and privileges that they deserved. By attacking the Bastille, they had practically destroyed the Absolute Power of King Louis XVI upon France. The storming of the Bastille was a sign of liberty, equality and fraternity for the French. It was declared like French National Day by Benjamin Raspail the 6th of July 1880. Bastille Day has great significance for the French, because it marks the beginning of a Republic. During Bastille Day, many cities hold fireworks, and many parties are organized. Also the French Republican Guards are involved, and they hold some kind of parade throughout France. Military Parades march during the morning of 14th July.

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